XBRL has been a journey of high and lows that met with great success in 2008. Success is defined as (1) the acceptance of this new tool in the broad-based business and business-reporting community and (2) the use of this tool in areas broader than just financial statement information. Those two fundamental beliefs grounded some early decisions that the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) believes will make XBRL a critical foundation for business and government in the decades to come. (Read the AICPA publication XBRL: The story of our new language.)
Monday, January 11, 2010
A History of XBRL: The story of our new language
XBRL has been a journey of high and lows that met with great success in 2008. Success is defined as (1) the acceptance of this new tool in the broad-based business and business-reporting community and (2) the use of this tool in areas broader than just financial statement information. Those two fundamental beliefs grounded some early decisions that the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) believes will make XBRL a critical foundation for business and government in the decades to come. (Read the AICPA publication XBRL: The story of our new language.)