Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Award for Excellence in Annual Reporting by Crown Corporations

Annual reporting is an important vehicle for accountability. In 1994, the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG) launched the Award for Excellence in Annual Reporting by Crown Corporations. The program aimed to promote enhanced accountability through improved disclosure of information on corporate performance by recognizing Crown corporations that do this well. Awards were presented in two categories based on corporation size.

According to the Report of the Auditor General of Canada, 1993 (Chapter 4, paragraph 4.72): “The annual report gives management and boards of directors an opportunity to report to shareholders on how they have fulfilled their responsibilities. The private sector has shown considerable interest in the role of the annual report, and its importance is widely acknowledged. Both the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (refer to the 1991 research study, Information to be included in the Annual Report to Shareholders) and the Society of Management Accountants of Canada have issued research reports detailing information that should be included in the annual report, and these are excellent references.”

It is clear that information on financial results alone does not adequately address the full range of stakeholders’ interests and information requirements. Because they deliver a mix of public policy and commercial objectives, improved performance reporting is especially important in the case of Crown corporations. The practice of reporting on performance in annual reports, though much improved, still has a way to go. The first important steps are: reporting against all objectives; stating objectives in more measurable terms; and reporting performance information that focuses principally on outputs and outcomes. Also, more attention needs to be given to providing more comparable and consistent information on parliamentary funding.

After operating this program for 12 years, the OAG transferred the administration of the Award for Excellence in Annual Reporting by Crown Corporations to the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) in 2006. The CICA has incorporated the OAG program into its own annual Corporate Reporting Awards program (see the previous postings on November 17, 2010 and June 9, 2011).