Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Celebrating the AICPA's 125th anniversary

As noted in the previous posting, the AICPA has reached a remarkable milestone: being one of the few organizations to celebrate 125 years. The CPA profession has changed a lot during this period. Throughout the year 2012, the AICPA and its members will be celebrating this special anniversary and reflecting on the history of the CPA profession. Since people are what make a profession, members have been asked to submit their thoughts on what the AICPA means to them and the value of being part of a strong CPA profession.

To celebrate the AICPA's 125th anniversary, a new section of the website has been created. Numerous commemorative materials and activities have been developed to help members take a journey through the profession's history. The 125th celebration is as much a reflection of the past as it is an opportunity to envision what lies ahead. Much has changed in the last 125 years, and those changes have created today's profession. The current issues will create the profession of the future.

Listen to the video message from AICPA President & CEO, Barry Melancon, CPA, CGMA, commemorating the 125th Anniversary. Also, browse the 125th Anniversary edition of the Journal of Accountancy and Test your CPA history knowledge.